Civ 6 wiki relics
Civ 6 wiki relics

civ 6 wiki relics

Very simply, Archaeologists are unlocked by researching the Natural History Civic, and fortunately this research is boosted by the construction of an Archaeological Museum. Then all that is left is to get an Archaeologist in Civ 6 and fill that new Museum with Artifacts. That is done by researching the Humanism Civic found further up the tree, and once that research is complete players can place the Archaeological Museum inside of their Theater Square. With these prerequisites met, the stage is now set for an Archaeological Museum, but Civilization 6 fans will need to unlock the ability to construct one first.

#Civ 6 wiki relics how to

RELATED: How to Use the Battering Ram in Civilization 6 This is a multi-part process that begins with researching the Drama and Poetry Civic and unlocking the Theater Square specialty district. When that is done, players will then need to build a Theater Square and construct an Amphitheater within it. The first step to building one of Civilization 6's Archaeologists is to construct an Archaeological Museum. However, not every player will know exactly how to get Archaeologists in Civilization 6, and this guide is here to help those fans. Indeed, these civilian units are capable of bringing Artifacts to a civilization, and these will in turn put fans one step closer to obtaining a Cultural victory in Civ 6. Players that are looking to increase their Tourism in Civilization 6, may want to enlist the help of Archaeologists.

Civ 6 wiki relics